Friday, July 29, 2016

Thursday July 28- Pilgrimage to Muenster (Must-see Video)

Who doesn’t like Muenster cheese?  Well, did you know that Muenster cheese comes originally from the Muenster Valley, and a village called Muenster, located about 30 minutes from our apartment here in France?  The cheese was originally developed by monks in the 800’s as a way to preserve milk!

Part of our 5 mile morning walk:

 After a morning of hiking around our home village, we decided to hop in the car and search for the famous Muenster cheese farms AND the special Vosgian Vache (cows) that produce the milk used in the production of Alan’s favorite type of cheese.

We found our way to the village of Muenster, which is tucked in a charming valley not a far drive into the Vosges Mountains.  Chris was happy to discover some very unique shops and scored a few items, trying her best to use her French. Now for the best part of the adventure:

It took a little bit of effort to find the road that led up the mountain to the high country meadows, where Le Fromage Fermier (cheese farms) can be found.  But it was SO worth the time spent navigating the steep, winding, narrow road!

However, after a long drive up through the narrow Vosges forest road, we finally arrived at the Auberge du Ried- a very rustic working farm with a small restaurant and outdoor picnic tables.  Believe it or not, the Restaurant though very isolated, is well known locally for their home grown, fresh ingredients.

The Auberge Ried/Cheese Farm

Inside the Ried's dining room. (Check out the local dude in the corner):

Our curiosity got the best of us, and we decided to ask the young waiter to suggest a dessert for us to try. (Alan was hoping for pie or ice cream). The young man suggested a local favorite dessert called siesskas, which when described in his broken English sounded like a whipped cream treat that Alan would enjoy. 

It turned out, that siesskas is an extravaganza of calories!  The center of the dish is one-day-old Muenster cheese, surrounded by a creamy, milky liquid, with curdled cream floating about.  The whole concoction was laden with copious amounts of sugar, and then doused in Kirsch (brandy-like) liquor!  Chris loved it.  Alan could barely get it past his nose! We had some chuckles later about this experience, because Chris could barely breathe from fullness on the way home.  Alan never wants to see it again!

Judge for yourself- would you eat this?

Notice above that Alan's spoon has retired.

The BIG reward of the day was a close up encounter with a meadow full of the uniquely colored Vosgian dairy cows.  Click on the link for a special 60 second video of the cows, and wait to the end to see the delight in Chris’ eyes at being so close to these incredible creatures!

The whole experience -standing on the hill with pastures all around and being serenaded by the bells-well, it will remain a favorite of the trip.  If more time and proper hiking shoes were available, we would definitely spend more time here hiking among our Munster cheese animal friends and beautiful flowered paths.

The day ended with dinner at our favorite bistro:

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